Backed Finance — The Best Platform to Be Able to Invest on Multiple Platforms

What Are CompanyCoins?
Every company on Backed has a coin. Every company on the platform gets its own coin that anybody can buy and vend. We call these coins “ CompanyCoins, ” and you can have your own coin too simply by creating a profile. The price of each coin goes up when people buy and goes down when people vend.
To buy a company’s coin, you simply navigate to their profile and hit “ Buy. ” You can find a company’s profile either by searching for it or by visiting the CompanyCoin leaderboard. Likewise, it’s just as easy to vend your coins. You do n’t have to stay for someone differently to buy them, the system will buy them back from you.
What Are CompanyCoins Useful For?
CompanyCoins are a new type of asset class that’s tied to the character of a company and to the success of the BKD commemorative. They allow you to presume on the performance of a incipiency without demanding an invite to their investment round. As a incipiency succeeds, gets more press and becomes more popular, others may buy further CompanyCoins, which would increase the price and thus value of your effects. As CompanyCoins are also linked to the price of BKD, the further popular Backed becomes and the more the price rises, the further the value of your holding in both BKD and CompanyCoins will increase.

Competitive Advantage
Backed Finance has a competitive advantage which makes it a clearly better platform than VCs or angel investors. This can be seen from the various features it offers.
- Pegged to BTC: Backed Finance plans to peg BKD to BTC and will double it every 500k coins.
- Helping startups: Backed Finance uses the power of the crowd to support a startup. Thus, this startup will be able to develop and survive in the market.
- Fees for companies: Backed Finance will charge 10% fees which will be given to startups as their reward.
- Profit in line with company growth: Backed Finance will make it easier for users to be able to get profit in line with the growth of the company they invest in.
- Invest in multiple companies: Backed Finance allows CompanyCoins holders to invest in multiple companies and profit from it.
Backed Finance Market

The investment request is veritably large encyclopedically and this is veritably implicit to be explored, because as we know that now numerous people are starting to come apprehensive of investment and want to invest in implicit companies. still, if we go through conventional channels, this will be complicated because druggies need to give colorful documents and do KYC before they can invest in the request. Backed Finance sees this as an occasion because in Backed Finance druggies don’t need to give colorful documents or KYC, because they will be suitable to invest in colorful companies fluently using their digital holdalls
. druggies just need to connect their holdalls
and invest the CompanyCoins they’ve and that’s it.
Token Sales

It’s planned that$ BKD Commemoratives will be vended through a token trade program that will be held in the future. By sharing in this token trade program, druggies will be suitable to get$ BKD Commemoratives at a lower price than before the commemorative was launched on CEX/ DEX and this will profit druggies who hold beforehand. To share in this token trade program, druggies can read more complete details on the website and see more completely what conditions druggies must meet to buy this commemorative. And it’ll not be delicate to be suitable to buy these commemoratives.
The force of BKD is limited at 6m commemoratives, making it naturally scarce. During the original token trade phase, up to 5 million BKD commemoratives will be distributed according to demand. The remaining 1 million will be retained by the founding platoon and/ or used for marketing purposes. The price will start at0.00001953125 Bitcoin. For every,000 commemoratives distributed, the price of BKD compared to BTC willdouble.However, the price will 512x, If we vend all 5 million commemoratives during the original token trade.
Our thing is to end the original token trade phase and list BKD on at least one exchange and/ or hotcake exchange by afterlife 2022, allowing you to withdraw your BKD and sell/ exchange it as you wish. At this point, the price of BKD will be destined by demand on the exchange, and we ’ll use an infinitesimal exchange medium to insure every BKD vended through our website is also bought back from an exchange. This will theoretically keep demand high, which will drive up the price and allow early investors to take gains.
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